Follow the guidelines

The place to go first is always the ambulatory.

It is for free

Remember that you don’t have to pay for the following services:

  • The first appointment, if you are referred to a family doctor or psychiatrist, or if you go directly to the regional clinic closest to you
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment
  • Prescription by a doctor-psychiatrist, and sometimes even the provision of medications
  • Social support
  • Home visits by a doctor
  • Psychosocial rehabilitation

You may need to visit the inpatient hospital.

If the patient mentions that he doesn’t want to live anymore; or threatens someone else, is aggressive and can cause material damage to himself or others, he is entitled to be hospitalised immediately.

There are just 4 inpatient facilities for the adults in Tbilisi. You can choose the clinic regarding your home address on a map

When in the clinic, you can request for the following:

  • Psychiatrist appointment and relevant treatment
  • Food and personal hygiene items
  • Emergency surgical and dental care
  • Dismissal from the clinic in case of voluntary self-treatment
  • Information about the ongoing treatment
  • Staying in the clinic until the critical condition is over